It has been a peculiar year in 2020. Losing more than one whole school term was a big chunk for LAC Sports. Leaving that behind and moving on forward - since the restart of Sports in LAC, our teams have come back stronger. Our sports have continued to grow and flourish. The first-ever LAC Rugby First IX team with their new sports uniform played four times over Term 3 and 4. Thank you to Mr Kofi Amoah, the passionate and dedicated coach, for persevering with this team. It has also been a good year for Badminton in LAC. Over the restriction periods, Badminton games and training within the bubble in LAC House continued, and then with lesser restrictions, we've invited students from PNBHS and community friends for training and games with our students until sports in the community were fully operational.
During the Term 3 holiday break, our players continued to regularly train in our school gym. LAC’s Badminton Squad now has three teams of fours that play at the Thursday Night League in the CET Arena. Our new High School Netball team has managed to play the league in the Palmerston Indoor Sports Arena for two seasons. In term 4, Cricket Manawatu partnered with our Intermediate Students and had run skills development and coaching for four weeks. The program ended with inter-house Cricket games joined by the Juniors. Congratulations Tyndale for winning the tiebreaker against Wesley. We are looking forward to a continued partnership with Cricket Manawatu and be able to have a junior team in 2021.
Lastly, we had the opportunity to attend the Play, Active Recreation, and Sport Conference last October. This conference was attended by sports coordinators, and sports providers all over the Manawatu region. With its main theme, “Balance is Better”, LAC will endeavour to adapt into this renewed initiative and expect to see more than just sports in 2021.
It has been a special year and despite everything that has happened, our students continued their love in sports. In both 2019 and 2020, our students' participation was maintained to 57%. This is higher than Manawatu’s 56% and National’s 51 % average in 2019. We give back praises and glory to God for all these blessings we have this year.
We hope that every family will continue to have an active healthy lifestyle over the summer holidays. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2021 with their suntanned skin
Wynn Llena, Sports Coordinator |