Year 7&8 Newsletter

Wow, we have had a busy start to the year! We have been very blessed with a healthy growing Junior School department. Our current number is 37 students, of whom 29 are new to LAC. With so many new students this year and a new 10-day timetable to get used to we are finally adjusting to the routines of life in the Junior School.

Rachel Paki

Thank you for supporting us and choosing LAC. We are looking forward to getting to know you better as the year goes on.

Rachel Paki, Year 7&8 Learning Leader


Excitement is high in our department as we have started to talk about our upcoming camp to Camp Kilsby in Linton. There have been some hiccups with our camp venue and fitting the camp into our busy school calendar but we can confirm camp will take place from Monday 1st April - Wednesday 3rd April. It is a survival tenting camp where the students will be preparing and cooking their own meals in groups. We are really looking forward to working with these young people and building strong relationships, working together and supporting them in managing themselves. We will send out more information at a later date and are happy to discuss this at Parent/Teacher Interviews coming up in week 7. The cost of the camp is included in the school fees.

PE Uniform

Please remember the LAC PE Uniform is a compulsory requirement at every practical PE class.

The PE uniform includes; LAC PE shirt, LAC logoed shorts or tracksuit, and sports shoes. Long hair must also be tied up and it is recommended that students take a drink bottle.

Please ensure all items are named as it is very easy to get mixed up in the changing rooms. Please also note that the after-school sports uniform shirt is not a PE uniform. Thank you for your support with this.

School Uniform

Our uniform looks fantastic and it is so nice to see everyone wearing it correctly. A few students have started to misplace items so please check that each piece is clearly named. Just remember that ties are optional for terms 1 and 4 but compulsory in terms 2 and 3. They can be purchased from the school office.


Most of you will have seen the homework book the students have been given this term. They are encouraged to complete one contract (2 pages) each week to hand in on Monday. While we want them to do their best to complete this, we understand that life gets busy with sport and other outside of school activities. We do not want this to be a burden or a point of contention in your home. Please let us know if there is a reason it is not completed. We get it! Each student also has 10 spelling words to learn each week which are tested on Mondays.


All of our term one sports are well underway. Students are showing commitment to their practices and the games which is awesome. It is really good for students at this age to try new sports and activities and experience working in team situations. There will be new sports on offer in term two.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

These are on March 20th from 6-8pm in the school cafeteria. It is a good time to catch up and see how your child has settled in and also to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

LAC Portal/Live reporting

Our method of reporting here at LAC is one where teachers add grades and comments to Kamar which are available for you to see at any time. This means you will not get a formal report as such but will be able to log in anytime to see your child’s progress. Ryan Gounder (our IT manager) is sending information to all parents and caregivers with the details you need to log in. You should receive this in the next week or two.

Athletics Day


This is coming up on Tuesday 12th March, next week. It runs in a similar fashion to swim day in that the buses collect the students from their usual bus stop and brings them straight out to the Massey Athletics Track. Buses will then pick them up from there at the end of the day and drop them off at their usual after school bus stop. For those students who get dropped to school by parents, they will need to be dropped at the Massey Track by 8.30am and picked up at 3 pm. Please make sure your child has lunch, drink bottle, snacks, sunblock and wears mufti clothing in their house colours. They will also need appropriate shoes for participation.


We completed e-asTTle and PAT testing in week 3. This was a heavy week for the students and we were so proud of the way they persevered and did their best. We have used these results to group the students,  identify gaps, areas to work on and to support those students needing an extension. We can discuss this with you at the parent interviews which are coming up in week 7 (20th March).


It is great to see everyone in our Junior School with a device. Just a reminder that the students need to have them charged before school each day so they are ready and good to go. It is a good idea for them to get in the habit of putting them on charge before they go to bed each night.

During our Homeroom time, we have been talking about ‘My Digital Life’ which is about how we use our devices, social media and leaving our digital footprint. We think this is very relevant for our students in this day in age as we navigate using our devices with integrity in our world.

Christian Schools Interschool Sports Day

On the 5th of April, our school will take part in a sports day held at Cornerstone Christian School. A permission slip with more details will be sent out closer to the time. This is at the end of the camp week so we will be doing lots of EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) this particular week!
Longburn Adventist College
100 Walkers Road, RD 7, Palmerston North, 4477, New Zealand
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