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Thursday, 21 February
Principal's Message
"It is the work of true education to develop this power, to train the youth to be thinkers and not mere reflectors of other men's thoughts." - Education by EG White 
The book titled Education was published in 1903, just 5 years before the New Zealand Missionary College began and later became Longburn Adventist College. Yet, the words have the hallmark of being timeless. The distinction between knowledge, knowing certain facts, and wisdom, what to do with said knowledge, is profound. It is also a constant theme in the Bible.

We are in a time where knowledge equates to ‘Google it’. It does beg the question, what is our role as teachers and parents? Simply put it is to nurture the ability to think. This, in turn, will allow the learner to better recognise the truth. The future is no doubt best be navigated with wisdom.

“It cannot be gotten for gold,
Neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof.
It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir,
With the precious onyx, or the sapphire.
The gold and the crystal cannot equal it
And the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold.
No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls:
For the price of wisdom is above rubies.”

Mr Troy Ferreira

Troy Ferreira
During the Christmas break Mr Ferreira made the decision to retire from teaching on medical grounds. This was a difficult decision for Mr Ferreira to make and he was very keen to know how his classes performed in NCEA. His class results will no doubt have made him quite proud, well done to the Geography and Tourism classes in particular.
Mr Ferreira will not only be missed as a teacher but as the school’s Sports Coordinator. Mr Llena has taken on this role. I have no doubt that many of us will keep memories of Mr Ferreira sense of humour, willingness to give up his time for sports and the pizzas at the score bench. At this time there are many prayers being offered for Mr Ferreira and his family.
Brendan van Oostveen, Principal
Swimming Sports
Swimming Sports 2019 was a blast! The day started off cloudy and gloomy but by lunchtime, we were blessed with the sun. This made participation easier for each of the houses. Tyndale did themselves proud by winning the tug of war competition in the pool.
And of course, there was the ‘diving’ event. This by far provided to be the most entertaining event of the day. From the bombs to flips to belly flops, they never failed to amuse everyone. Everyone enjoyed watching Mr Rashleigh's attempt to do a back-flip, which resulted in him walking away with a very red back.
Thank you to Mrs Korte and the staff for making the day possible and successful. We all really enjoyed it.
The results from the day’s activities were:
1st- Wesley
Sophie Pigott
Sports Prefect
Prefects and Associates

The 2019 Prefects introduced their Associates to the school in Assembly on Monday 11th February. The Prefects chose students who will work alongside them and be mentored as a student leader. Qualities used to describe their associates included being humble, representing the values of the school, positive in their outlook, good communication skills and hard working.

The Prefects and their Associates are as follows:

• Amelia Tyrrell’s associate is Crysolite Gali

• Beaven Ganaii’s associate is Bryan Monde

• Emilia Sessa’s associate is Esther Raynor

• Josephine Ma’u’s associate is Jessica Hiri

• Rachel Jaboon’s associate is Siunari’I Paiva

• Sophie Pigott’s associate is Rebekah Mudford

• Tanner Ferreira’s associate is Jessie Taylor

• Tuivulavuta Unua’s associate is Sandra Namani

Calendar Dates

TERM 1 Remaining Dates

5 Weekly Review - Wednesday 6 March (Week 5)
Athletics Day
 - Tuesday 12 March (Week 6)

School Photos (included class photos, ID & sibling photos) Wednesday 13 March (Week 6)
Y12 volunteer for Weetbix TRYathlon - Tuesday 19 March (Week 7)
Parent/Teacher Interview Evening, 6-8pm Wednesday 20 March (Week 7)
Volleyball Nationals - Monday - Friday 25-29 March (Week 8)
Monster Garage Sale fundraiser for Japan Trip - 8am - 11.30am, Sunday 31 March
Y7&8 Camp
- Monday 1 to Wednesday 3 April (Week 9)
Y13 Camp
 Monday 1 to Friday 5 April (Week 9)
Y7&8 Sports Day - Friday 5 April (Week 9)
5 Weekly Review (Week 10)
Term 1
 - Friday 12 April
School holidays - Saturday 13 April to Sunday 28 April

TERM 2 2019

First Day of Term 2 - Monday 29 April
School Cross Country Run - 1 pm, Wednesday 8 May
Week of Worship - Monday 27 May - Friday 30 May
5 Weekly Review - Wednesday 29 May
Queen's Birthday Holiday - Monday 3 June
Japan Art Trip - Tuesday 2 July
Pasifika Fusion - Wednesday 3 July - Thursday 4 July
Japan Art Trip - 2-12 July
Last Day of Term 2
 - Friday 5 July
School Holidays - Saturday 6 July to Sunday 21 July

TERM 3 2019

First Day of Term 3 - Monday 22 July
LAC Open Day and Evening - Wednesday 31 July (Week 2)
Week of Worship - Monday 5 August to Friday 9 August
Year 10 Parent Info Evening - 6pm Tuesday 10 September
EDG Exams (Year 11-13) - Tuesday 17 Sept. - Friday 20 Sept.

Last Day of Term 3 - Friday 27 September
School Holidays - Saturday 28 Sept to Sunday 13 Oct

TERM 4 2019

First Day of Term 4 - Monday 14 October
Aureum Sports Night - Thursday 17 October
Last Day for Year 13 - Wednesday 30 October
Graduation Weekend - Friday 1 to Saturday 2 November
Year 11 - 12 - Prize-giving Monday 4 November
NCEA Exams Begin - Thursday 7 November
Orientation for New 2020 Year 7-9 Enrolments - Tuesday 26 November
NCEA Exams End - Monday 2 December
Year 7-10 Prize-giving - Friday 13 December
Last Day of Term 4 - Friday 13 December
School Calendar
Community Notices
Outward Bound NZ
Outward Bound New Zealand is a not for profit organization offering outdoor experiential learning courses to New Zealanders young and old. Our courses are run from our school in Anakiwa in the Marlborough Sounds.
We have two courses coming up in the April school holidays which you might like to share with your parent and student community:
Our School Leaders course is offered once a year to current school leaders aged 16-18 years during the April school holidays.  The course is aimed at building teen resilience in a fun and healthy environment and connecting young leaders across the country. Places are limited and potential students need to provide evidence of their leadership position.
Leaps & Bounds is the ultimate shared adventure for parents/caregiver and their teen (13-15 years). The 8-day course provides a challenging but supportive environment for teens and their parents to develop and strengthen their relationship without any of the usual digital distractions.

Please visit our website for more information:
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Longburn Adventist College
100 Walkers Road, RD 7, Palmerston North, 4477, New Zealand
Copyright © 2018 Longburn Adventist College, All rights reserved.