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Friday, 23 November
Principal's Message
“Form your purpose” Proverbs 20:18 MSG
The verse above was selected by the Year 13s for graduation, which took place a few long weeks ago. No doubt it appealed to their sense of humour that the verse identified the year they found themselves in. For those of us who were there on Friday night, our guest speaker, Keira Bullock (Chaplain for Sanitarium New Zealand), were challenged by her insight into this verse. Essentially she was saying where do we see our potential. That is when we look at something, do we want to add to it, grow it, or improve it? It always amazes me that there are people that thoroughly enjoy weeding. Quite honestly, I do not see my potential there (neither does my wife). It did get me thinking about why do I enjoy what I do? Certainly seeing people grow, in so many ways, gives me great joy. Perhaps each of us need to ask the question for ourselves, where do I see my potential? Surely that must be one of my possible purposes. 

Brendan van Oostveen, Principal
Latest News
Documentary Film Premiere
Year 13 Media Studies Class Earlier this term we had a film premiere that showcased Year 13 Media Studies students’ work. Students were required to film, edit and produce their…
Year 10 Invictus Journey
On Monday, 12th November at 4.00am, 34 Year 10 students and 6 staff met at LAC. There, we set off to Abel Tasman National Park to complete our final memory…
Woodskills Success Continues
The Secondary Schools Creative Woodskills Competition was held at the Square Edge on 18th October. Each year we enter projects into this competition and this year we entered 4 projects.…

Year 10 Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee

On Monday 19th November, Feliding High School hosted a regional Spelling Bee. Tsarine Gardner, Avantika John, SM Miado and Christopher Tyrrell were the four Year 10 students who attended.

There were eight schools and eleven teams in the Year 10 competition, and our LAC team did us proud by coming third. They had fun, learned a lot of new words, and then afterwards participated in some debating activites which stretched their minds

Their behaviour was fantastic and I was very proud of them. They represented LAC well.

Anne Strawbridge, Teacher

New Sports Cooardinator for 2019

Wynn Llena

Next year, Mr Wynn Llena (current boys' dorm dean) will be taking on the role of sports coordinator as Mr Troy Ferreira goes on leave.

We just want to take this time to thank Mr Ferriera for all his hard work in organising sporting events and we are looking forward to having him back in Term 2 of the new year.

If you have any questions about extra curricular sporting events, please feel free to contact Mr Llena at the school or email him at

Calendar Dates

2018 Term 4 School Events

Wed 28 Nov. - New Student Orientation Day
Fri 30 Nov.
 - NCEA Exams Finish
Wed 5 Dec. - Boarding Scholarship Application Deadline
Wed. 12 Dec. - Year 7-10 Prize-giving 1pm – 2pm
Wed. 12 Dec. - Term 4 Ends

2019 School Term Dates

TERM 1 2019

Orientation Day for New Students - Monday 4 February
Classes commence for Y7-10 - Tuesday 5 February
Waitangi Day Holiday - Wednesday 6 February
Classes commence for All Students - Thursday 7 February
Swimming Sports - Wednesday 13 February
Athletics Day - Tuesday 12 March
School Photo Day -  Wednesday 13 March
Last Day of Term 1 Friday 12 April
School holidays - Saturday 13 April to Sunday 28 April

TERM 2 2019

First Day of Term 2 - Monday 29 April
Last Day of Term 2 - Friday 5 July
School Holidays - Saturday 6 July to Sunday 21 July

TERM 3 2019

First Day of Term 3 - Monday 22 July
Last Day of Term 3 - Friday 27 September
School Holidays - Saturday 28 Sept to Sunday 13 Oct

TERM 4 2019

First Day of Term 4 - Monday 14 October
Last Day for Year 13 - Wednesday 30 October
Graduation Weekend - Friday 1 to Saturday 2 November
Year 11 - 12 - Prize-giving Monday 4 November
NCEA Exams Begin - Thursday 7 November
NCEA Exams End - Monday 2 December
Year 7-10 Prize-giving - Friday 13 December
Last Day of Term 4 - Friday 13 December


Schools must be closed in 2019 on Saturdays and Sundays, and on these days:

Wellington Anniversary - Monday 21 January
Waitangi Day (observed) - Wednesday 6 February
Daylight Saving Ends - Sunday 7 April
Easter - In the school holidays
ANZAC Day - 25 April (in holidays)
Queen’s Birthday - Monday 3 June
Daylight Saving Starts - Sunday 29 September
Labour Day - Monday 28 October
Christmas Day (observed) - Wednesday 25 December
Boxing Day - Thursday 26 December
School Calendar
2019 OfficeMax Stationery Lists
To view the stationery requirements for 2019, please follow this link: or click on the image below.
Community Notices
Pine Cones for Sale
$5.00 Animal Stock Feed bags size. About 12 bags available. Fundraiser for Operation Christmas Child postage.

Contact Kevin Gredig
Mana Whaikaha
Do you or your family need information about the transformed disability support system? Call in to our Hub and speak with our staff.
The Hub is open on the following days:
Hancock Community House
77 to 85 King Street
Palmerston North
Open: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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100 Walkers Road, RD 7, Palmerston North, 4477, New Zealand
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