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Friday, 14 September
Principal's Message

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV

When my wife, Kimberley gave birth to our first child, Georgia, it is fair to say that I was strangely afraid. Strangely because I was experiencing fears that I had not experienced before. Watching someone you love struggle physically and emotionally, afraid of the future (and what it might hold) along with being responsible for a new-born child were all new fears. It would be true to say that becoming a parent comes with a whole new set of emotions.

When Joshua took over from Moses, he was told that he would lead these people to inherit the Promise Land. Joshua must have wondered what he had got himself into. So it is in life, there are simply times when we ask ourselves what have we got ourselves into? Joshua 1.9 starts with “Have I not commanded you?” and this is followed up with “Be strong and courageous”. Joshua’s entry into the Promise Land was not a simple journey and it required him to rely on God.

“For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” is not an assurance that life will be ‘peaches and cream’ but rather that there is an eternal hope, even in your darkest winter.

I made it a ‘thing’ to put a Bible verse in the newspaper when we announced the birth of one of our children. When Georgia was born she received Joshua 1.9. At the time, it was for Kim. Upon reflection, I think it was for all three of us.

Brendan van Oostveen, Principal

NCEA Corner
A reminder that financial assistance is available for help with the NZQA fees. If you are eligible, please fill out and submit these forms as soon as possible. Please refer to May’s newsletter issue. These forms are available here:
As well as this, your child was provided with a form last week. 

EDG Exam Timetable
The EDG exam timetable has been finalised and can be viewed in full here:
or on the school calendar here:
Completion of Internal Assessments
We are on the countdown to the end of the senior student school year, 5 weeks away from both Yr 13 Graduation and Yr 11-12 prize-giving. As such, students are encouraged to make sure they achieve every internal assessment offered to them. A combination of internal results and EDG exam results will decide whether students gain LCEA by achieving the required number of credits for each Year level. A reminder that students must check the requirements for gaining LCEA so that they are on track towards achieving this year.
Mrs Tamar Aiono, Assistant Principal
Calendar Dates

September Dates:

·           Tuesday 18th: Year 9 Art Excursion to Wellington

·           Tuesday 18th – Friday 21st: EDG Exams (Year 11 – 13 Trial Exams)

·           Thursday 20th: Year 9 Invictus Film Festival 7pm, LAC Cafeteria

·           Friday 21st September: Board of Trustees Student Representative Election Day

·           Thursday 27th: Chapel, 9am

·           Monday 24th: ASPIRE (PB4L) Celebration Day

·           Friday 28th September: Term 3 ends

Important Term 4 Dates:

·           Sunday 14th October: LAC House opens for returning boarders

·           Monday 15th October: Term 4 Begins

·           Tuesday 16th October: Parent/Teacher Evening from 6:00 pm

·           Monday 22nd: Labour Day Holiday

·           Friday 19th October: Year 7 Vision Screening

·           Wednesday 31st October: Year 13 Last Day

·           Friday to Saturday, 2-3 November: Graduation Weekend

·           Monday 5th November: Year 11&12 Prizegiving (Last Day)

·           Wednesday 7th November: NCEA Exams Begin

·           Wednesday 12th December: Year 7-10 Prizegiving (Last Day for 2018)

School Calendar
Blue September at LAC
LAC held a BLUE mufti day event on Wednesday, 12 September for a donation fee of only $2. Students wore anything blue to show support and help raise awareness. The donations were collected by prefects from every participating student.

Our BLUE event was also registered on to raise funds where even anonymous donations were received. Donors can still visit our page to donate.
$417.17 has been raised so far.
What is Blue September?
Blue September is the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s annual national awareness and fundraising campaign. 
·  More than 3,000 Kiwi men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year; more than 600 will die. You can help us change that.

Latest News
News articles available on the LAC website
Sports News
Manawatu Basketball Representative Griffyn Kapao was selected for the U15 Manawatu basketball representative squad for 2018. He played in the regionals (Hawkes Bay) where both Manawatu teams qualified for Nationals…
Junior School News
Sir Peter Blake Award Huge congratulations to Angelina Cariga who was awarded the Sir Peter Blake Trust Award for her leadership and maturity. The ceremony took place on Wednesday 4th…
Careers/STAR/Gateway News
U-Skills Academy It's encouraging to see three of our LAC students doing so well at UCOL. Jessica Horne, Corydin Kaye are working with animals with confidence in their Vet Nurse…
EDG Exam Timetable
Tuesday 18th - Friday 21st September 2018 Below is the EDG exam timetable for next week. Please note that students should have provided a permission slip to leave the school…
Jimmy Carter Quiz Competition
Jimmy Carter Inter-School General Knowledge Quiz Competition In which country is Mt. Kilimanjaro located? On August 28th 1963, who gave the speech ‘I Have a Dream?’ If 1½ chickens lay…
Girls' Hockey 2018
Congratulations to our girls' hockey team who finished the season off with a convincing 5-1 win to take out third place in our division. We played 15 games this season…
Volleyball - Term 3/4
FEES = $25 per player which must be paid before Monday 17 September - NO PAY, NO PLAY
Start date: Monday 17 September (week 9 of Term 3)

End date:
Monday 19th November
— Teams play one game every Monday at Arena 4, B&M Centre (except school holidays and Labour Day)
— Games start at 3.55pm and end by 8.15pm.  Your team could play any time between those times and it is up to you to arrange transport to and from Arena 4.
Write your names on the sign-up sheet on the sports notice board.  If you have any queries, please email the volleyball TIC on
Fundraising for Japan Arts Trip 2019
'The silent auction was a great hit a couple of weeks ago 
Students work available for bidding was up and interactive activities for all to join in with. Overall the event raised around $1300 for the Japan Art Trip, with the highest bidding painting going for $100 which was Nikkita Cheesman's horse portrait. Some of the interactive activities included a doodle table and a mural painting for all to partake in. Students actively got involved in these which was great to see. It was a great event to connect with the community and celebrate students creativity.

A huge thanks go out to Miss Leech and her baking team, the students that helped set up and pack down, Square Edge arts community, those that submitted work and lastly all the bidders that made this a fun and successful evening. Thank you once again.

Our next fundraising adventure will be Feilding Craft Market at Manfeild events centre on the 12th of October. Students will be selling some art prints alongside some other creative items. Make sure you come to see us at our booth, as well as other small businesses within Manawatu at the event! Entry is $8.'

Sophie Bain, Visual Arts Teacher
You CAN Make A Difference!
Danito Kakaraya, Tianah Lauesi and Jeremy Pram participated in the Year 12 Geography community project to collect canned food from classes to donate to the Salvation Army. The project is linked to their unit on differences in development, with the aim of reducing local differences.   
Daffodil Day, 31st August

The Cancer Society of New Zealand's Daffodil Day symbolises hope for 1 in 3 New Zealanders affected by cancer.

Since 1990, this event has inspired people to come together and support the Cancer Society's work. It also provides an opportunity to raise awareness of cancer in New Zealand. Your donations will go towards vital scientific research into the causes and treatment of all types of cancer, as well as providing a wide range of support services, education and awareness campaigns/programmes for people affected by cancer in your area.

Y12 Students made a difference and got involved at LAC

From Monday, 27 August – Friday, 31 August, Year 12 students sold daffodils, ribbons and pens to support the Cancer Association and raise awareness of cancer. On Friday, 31 August, students wore their daffodils, ribbons and armbands with their school uniform to show support for cancer sufferers or for someone dear to them with cancer or lost to it.  

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100 Walkers Road, RD 7, Palmerston North, 4477, New Zealand
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