Fees & Donations Information

Last updated: 26th Nov 2021

Attendance Dues 

These are paid to the proprietors of the college and their payment is a legal prerequisite for a student to be enrolled in a state-integrated school. These Dues are used to fund capital works in the college and are paid directly to NZ SDA Schools Association.

You will be invoiced directly by the NZ SDA Schools Association for these dues.

Proprietors are insisting that Dues are paid a term in advance before students can be enrolled. If there is a problem with meeting these requirements, please contact the Adventist Education office, based in Auckland. It may be possible to arrange for smaller regular payments to ease the burden of Attendance Dues.

For all queries regarding Attendance Dues, please use the 0800 number which is a free service. The free number is 0800 4 MY DUES or (0800 469 3837).

At LAC we have been blessed with the property work completed by the proprietors and the extra teaching space they have provided over the years. They do not receive any government funding for this, so your Attendance Dues are vital to enable the proprietors to do this work for us.

Special Character Donation

This donation is invoiced, along with the Attendance Dues, by NZ SDA Schools Association. It is used to fund Religious Studies curriculum development and Special Character development. It qualifies for a charitable donation tax rebate. Should you choose not to pay this donation it is credited back to your account on the final invoice of the year.


  • $100 for the first student,
  • $75 for the second and
  • $50 for the third student

Have a question?

Any questions about school fees or any financial matters please email, LAC's Business Manager: bm@lac.school.nz

Subject Fees

For subjects where there is a ‘take home’ component or a component consumed by the student, e.g. Woodwork and Food Technology, there is a charge levied to recover these costs. The charge varies between subjects and these subject fees are advised each year to parents.

Camp and Trip Fees

Where students go on camps and class trips, a charge may be made to cover the actual cost of these trips.

Teachers will advise you in writing when these are to occur and the costs involved.