Diary of Anne Frank Exhibition

Year 10 Trip to Waiouru Army Museum, 10/06/2019


So I woke up at 5:30 am on Monday the 10th of June to go to Waiouru. I was picked up around 6:15 in Rongotea by Mr Pedley. I was to be one of the tour guides. The three of us, Eilidh, Giovanni and myself, headed up to Waiouru to be trained up as a guide for the rest of the year 10’s, who would be heading up later. We arrived right on time at 8 am, they gave us a bit of background on WW2 then we went and began the “training”. One of the guides who work there, Daniel, showed us around the Anne Frank exhibition.

From my point of view, it was really interesting. We first went through the history concerning the Frank’s, then we went through Anne Frank’s story and why they went into hiding. After that, we went through the modern boards about how there is still discrimination today and how that links to Anne Frank. We had lunch and then showed the rest of the year 10’s what we had learnt.

Overall I found that the day was really informative and interesting. A big thanks to Mr Pedley for taking us up and Ms Carter for organising it.

Liam Blakeborough, Y10



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