School Board

School Board Governance

Like all state and state-integrated schools in New Zealand, the governance of Longburn Adventist College (LAC) is in the hands of the School Board. As LAC is a state-integrated school some of the board members are elected and some are appointed by the proprietors (the New Zealand Seventh-day Adventist Schools Association). Students and staff also elect one board member each to the Board. Board elections are held every three years.

School Board meets at 5:30pm:

  • 22 February 2024
  • 21 March 2024 (Charter/Analysis of Variance) 
  • 11 April 2024
  • 6 June 2024
  • 1 August 2024
  • 5 September 2024
  • 5 December 2024 

The role of the Board is to ensure good governance, to appoint teaching staff, to hear serious student discipline cases and to plan strategically for the future of the college. The Board relies on the Principal and the leadership team to manage the college.

Document Downloads

Meeting Minutes

Current School Board Members
Presiding Member – Kheir Boutros
Principal – Rosalind Burnett
Elected Staff Representative – Stephanie Ngarepa
Elected Student Representative – Emma Brothwell

Parent Elected Reps
Jonathan Howard
Katie Brothwell
Kushla Okano

Proprietor Appointees
Bob Larsen
Dean Edwards
Situe Fata

Invitees (non-members)
Lynette Strauss – Minutes
Eliyum Yacoub – LAC Business Manager