Over Queens birthday weekend, the SDA basketball tournament “For his glory” was held at Bruce Pullman arena in Takinini, Auckland from June 1-3. We had five students overall participate in the tournament playing for two separate teams, Chosen 1’s and Palmy Men’s team. There were many LAC graduates and attendants playing and spectating, the 5 students who travelled to Auckland for the tournament were accommodated by Mana park church, 14 minutes away from the arena.
“A highlight to the weekend was the youth rally on Friday night and Saturday because of the messages and discussions about mental health. It was a privilege to play in the b/ball tournament and make new friends, reconnect with people I haven’t seen in a long time and a great opportunity to play for God’s glory. I could see God through all the staff members and team players who encouraged us to play hard and keep a good attitude.”
Rachel Jaboon, LAC Head Girl 2019
Daphnne Piiti playing for the ‘Chosen 1’s’ team Beaven Ganaii & Val Tautua playing for the Palmy Men’s team Chosen 1’s and Avondale Team photo